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Afternoon Light

The Magic: 14-Day Gratitude Challenge

Join me for a 14-Day Gratitude Challenge from November 9 - 22, 2021


With everything going on in the world lately, one of the biggest practices for me to stay rooted and grounded was leaning into gratitude more than ever. GRATITUDE was the single most transformative tool I used at the beginning of my personal growth journey to shift out of scarcity and negativity (and soooo much other BS!) to more abundance, ease, and alignment. It's also the ONE thing I always go back to when I need to reset and it works every single time.


Every single time I’d deepened into gratitude,  I’ve come out of it more clear and present.


It has helped me so much that I’m dedicating 14-days to intentionally focus on it this month. I invite you to join me. To make it fun, we'll do it "challenge" style and use prompts from one of my favorite books, “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne.


In this 14-Day Challenge, ​you’ll:


  • Engage in a potent daily practice to raise your vibration and honor all the blessings in your life

  • Receive a daily prompt to bring more gratitude into your life

  • Intentionally give time each day to take stock and reflect

  • Be more mindful of all the abundance surrounding you

  • Receive a copy of the book, "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne. 


Energy Exchange:


  • Pay what you can. Suggested minimum donation is $14.40. 



Let’s Work Together

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