our families didn’t cross oceans and borders so
they could work, pay bills, and die.
our families followed their dreams so that,
one day, we could follow our own dreams.
be brave in the pursuit of your joy + wholeness.
walk through the door our families held open for us.
- daughter of an immigrant
Hi! I'm Noilyn Mendoza.
I'm an Executive Coach, Business + Organizational Strategist,
Certified Pranic Healer, Mama, and Spouse.
In 2017, I founded The Radiant U, LLC with a mission to empower BIPOC changemakers and creatives to move away from fear and scarcity, embrace their fully RADIANT selves, and live out their soul’s purpose. I create sacred containers and spaces where participants can be seen, heard, felt, and whole. In these spaces, we can re-imagine and dream again to create a radical, liberated future… a new earth that is deeply connected, regenerative, and cherishes the essence of all people, living things, and our planet.
After 18 years in the public sector field fighting for healthcare access for Asian Americans in NYC and nationally, I now provide transformative coaching, energy healing, and offerings for people to ignite and realign with their soul's calling, stop hiding their gifts, and birth a new season of fullest creative expression, clarity, and possibility.
I know firsthand how depletion and disconnection happen as a cost to constantly putting others’ needs before your own and abandoning your dreams… the anguish that comes from feeling stuck from the weight of obligations and regrets…. the stagnancy of letting fear and scarcity hold you back.
I’m a recovering multi-tasker, DIYer, yes-woman, and over-planner. For as long as I can remember, I defined my self worth in terms of how many things I could juggle and doing literally everything myself. My automatic response to any request was a quick and fast "yes" even though deep down I really wanted to say "NO". I’d create detailed plans of my life down to the minute, expected those plans to hold up and beat myself up when things didn't pan out.
I was burning the candles at both ends... disengaged from my work and volunteer activities. I lost a sense of what nourished me and felt unmotivated. Most things felt robotic like I was simply going through the motions day-to-day. The worse part? I became completely detached from myself, my body, my soul, and what I truly wanted. The signs were everywhere that this pace was not sustainable but I ignored them for years.
Then at 38-years-old, I became a first-time mama and finally started to better listen to my intuition/gut, my body, and my soul. I had to face the honest truth that I was living in complete misalignment with what I most desired in life - FREEDOM, CREATIVITY, CONNECTION. Becoming a mother held a big mirror up to my life. I began to see the things I needed to embrace about myself as well as the areas I needed to grow. In many ways, the births of each of my children were my RE-BIRTHS.
I had to do the tough inner work to become more aware of my blind spots, face old stories and conditioning, and learn the hard way that taking care of myself and prioritizing my needs was essential to my emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As I began to share my story, I realized there are so many of us feeling alone in our journey to parenthood, career growth (or stagnation), and life transitions. I'm here to tell you are not alone and that you are worthy of living a life of purpose, bliss, peace, and unwavering acceptance.
Fam, I believe in you and that...
will allow others to do the same.
We never stop growing. Give your permission to get curious and imagine what’s possible for your life. It’s not too late. You can pivot and reinvent yourself. You always have choices.
Do you want to boldly dig deep, move from limiting beliefs to possibilities, and start investing more in yourself? I'd be honored to be your coach and look forward to cheering you on as you unlock and reawaken that inner radiance you've always had.
Now is your time.